Categories: Delivery Brasil

Find the content you need with Biopharma Search Mode – Feedly Blog


The amount of information published every day in the biopharma space is overwhelming and hard to skim through.

Today we’re excited to announce the launch of Biopharma Search Mode, a tool that allows you to save time in your research flow. You can drill down into the specific content you want, beyond your existing feeds and sources.

With Biopharma Search Mode, you can find articles you would have not found otherwise, discover new sources and save the pieces of content you find interesting. This feature is available to all Biopharma Enterprise users.

Let’s walk through an example of how you could use Biopharma Search Mode to find articles you need. Imagine you lead an R&D team at a biotech company and you want to learn about the latest breakthroughs related to cell therapies.

Create your search query

First, click on the search icon in the left navigation bar, and select ‘Search Across the Web’.

Type in a topic you want to research and select Biopharma Mode. When you search in Biopharma Mode, you’re searching across sources we’ve preselected based on biopharma users’ favorite industry-specific sources, and you’ll get less noise.

Go to the Power Search and select the Biopharma Mode

You’re in control

Ask Leo to search for “cell therapy” in any of the biopharma sources we curated for you. Create a search query and select “cell therapy” as the topic.

You can refine your query and combine topics with +AND and +OR.

You can create even more targeted queries by selecting the types of publications you want on the left-hand side: pick from 300 science journals, 800 biopharma trade publications, 80 regulatory sources, or 350 healthtech blogs.

For example, use +AND to focus on news related to cell therapies and biopharma companies, and select the Biopharma Business type of publications only.

Refine the search query to cell therapy and biopharma companies among trade publications

Go further and refine your search by excluding certain topics, or by selecting ‘Title Only’ vs ‘Entire Content’. Find more information about how to do this here.

Break down silos

Team Boards are the private spaces where you and your team can save the best content you discover in Feedly or on the web. You can bookmark, organize, and annotate content to share insights across your team and organization.

Once you’ve discovered a great new article, you can save it to a board and share it with the rest of your team via daily newsletters, Slack and Microsoft Teams notifications, or push it to other apps using our API.

Save the most insightful content to your boards

You can also click on the source name and see the other articles that the source has published. This is a powerful way to find new sources for niche topics. If the content is highly relevant, you can use the ‘Follow’ button to add that new source to one of your Team Feeds and receive the next articles published by that source.

Streamline your biopharma intelligence

We’re excited to see how your team will declutter your feeds and dig deeper into the biopharma news that matters to you. Sign up today and discover Feedly for Biopharma.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Feedly for Biopharma roadmap, you can book a demo call by clicking on the button above.


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Delivery Brasil

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