Categories: Delivery Brasil

Leo Understands COVID-19 – Feedly Blog


Coronavirus news is everywhere right now. It’s not so much a wave of information as an ocean. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or miss a crucial market development. 

Or maybe you want to cut out the COVID-19 content altogether so you can find out what else is happening around the world. 

So we’ve taught Leo, your AI research assistant, how to help.

Mute or prioritize COVID-19 in your Feedly

Leo can already learn what you like to see and refine your Feedly. Now, he can mute or prioritize COVID-19 as well. And he does it across tens of millions of trusted sources. 

It works just like Leo’s other prioritization parameters such as keywords, topics, and events. ‘Coronavirus’ and ‘COVID-19’ are just two of the terms he recognizes. Leo takes into account a variety of the virus’s other names, too, like SARS-CoV-2. 

Leo prioritizes mentions of COVID-19 and its wide variety of aliases

Once you give Leo a priority, you’ll get a specific view of how your industry is reacting to the pandemic. Then just save the most interesting articles in your Feedly Board. 

You can mute or prioritize one feed, or every feed, and those feeds can be personal or spread across your team. It lets some team members focus on COVID-19 news if they need to, while others look beyond it. 

Here’s a few examples to show how Leo’s coronavirus topic might work for you. After all, the virus is impacting every sector, whether you’re in retail, cyberspace, automotive or pharmaceuticals…

COVID-19 and biopharma

You’re a drug development director looking for news and insight around cardiovascular disease, and how COVID-19 is affecting this research. 

Let’s imagine you have a cardiology feed in Feedly, and you’re following multiple science and medicine journals. Go to your cardiology feed and hit “Train Leo” in the right-hand corner. You can prioritize COVID-19 subjects by entering it as a topic.

Preview the prioritized COVID-19 articles in your cardiology feed

The articles displayed are now all about coronavirus and cardiology. 

Refine the priority further with +AND or +OR. Here’s some more information about Leo’s topic combinations.

COVID-19 and cybersecurity

You’re part of a large tech company. Security threats may have emerged during the pandemic, buried by the noise online. 

Do the exact same thing. Click ‘Train Leo’ and enter COVID-19 as the topic.

Preview the prioritized COVID-19 articles in your threat research feed

You can see the most recent coronavirus-related articles from your sources in the preview. Choose whether to filter by Entire Content or titles that explicitly contain COVID-19 or its aliases.

New threats to your business can then be spotted and prepared for.

COVID-19 and retail

You’re a business intelligence analyst searching for COVID-19’s effects on stores and brands around the globe. Retail, one of the most disrupted sectors, is under intense scrutiny. The prioritization feature can help here too. 

With a retail feed, you’ll preview countless pieces of content that tackle this subject. 

Again, just create a Leo priority around COVID-19.

Preview the prioritized COVID-19 articles in your Retail feed

And that’s it. You have a feed at the intersection of two subjects, with plenty of room for more priorities and further refinement.

Muting COVID-19

You might want to look past COVID-19 instead, and keep it out of your feeds. 

Muting is just as easy. Click ‘Train Leo’ and scroll to ‘Mute Filters’. Type in COVID-19. You’ll see a message asking which Feedly feeds you want to remove it from.

Here’s how it looks in a tech feed. 

Preview the muted COVID-19 articles in your tech feed

No more content on the topic will turn up in your Feedly, as long as the mute is active. It’s one of 1,000 pre-trained topics that Leo can mute right away.

Train Leo to prioritize or mute COVID-19 now

Whatever happens with coronavirus and your market, the trusted insights are here. Leo makes sure you’re never overwhelmed or struggling to see the big picture.

If you’re interested in learning more about Leo’s roadmap, join the Feedly Community Slack channel. 2020 will be a challenging year, but by staying informed, you can respond better and remain in control.


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Delivery Brasil

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