Categories: Delivery Brasil

Leo understands diseases and conditions – Feedly Blog


The biopharma space has become more and more competitive and it is now extremely tedious to scan through hundreds of articles every day to track down all the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs about a specific disease or condition you are interested about.

We’re excited to announce that you can now prioritize diseases and conditions with Leo, your AI research assistant.

Let’s walk through an example of how you could use Leo to prioritize diseases. Imagine you do market and competitive intelligence at a pharma company and you want to track clinical trials and regulatory updates about cardiovascular diseases.

Cut through the noise

You can train Leo to read your biopharma feeds and prioritize articles related to cardiovascular diseases.

Leo prioritizes cardiovascular disease articles in your Science Journals feed

Leo continuously reads the thousands of articles published in your feeds. It’s an efficient way to cut through the noise and keep up with the latest news about methodologies and clinical trials.

You’re in control

We’ve trained Leo to understand 5,000 diseases & conditions and 50,000 of their aliases from the MeSH database. This database belongs to the US National Library of Medicine and is used by leading websites such as PubMed and

Asking Leo to prioritize cardiovascular diseases in any of your biopharma feeds is as simple as creating a new Topic priority and selecting “cardiovascular diseases” as the topic.

When you create a ‘cardiovascular diseases’ priority, Leo will be looking for the aliases of cardiovascular diseases but also for all the disorders classified as cardiovascular diseases in MeSH.

Leo will be looking for all the disorders classified as cardiovascular diseases in MeSH

You can combine topics with +AND and +OR and create even more targeted priorities for Leo. For example, use +AND to focus on FDA approvals related to cardiovascular diseases.

Refine the priority to cardiovascular diseases and FDA approval

You can also ask Leo to look for a specific type of cardiovascular disease like coronary artery disease.

Prioritize a specific disease, such as coronary artery disease

Leo continuously learns

Leo is smart. He continuously learns from your feedback. When Leo is wrong, you can use the ‘Less Like This’ down arrow button to let him know that an article he’s prioritized isn’t about cardiovascular diseases.

Downvote an article to tell Leo when he’s wrong

See how Feedly for Biopharma can help you and your team dig deeper into the diseases and conditions you’re researching.


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Delivery Brasil

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