Categories: Delivery Brasil

Update regarding the Feedly Twitter Integration


Twitter has discontinued the API we use to let Feedly Pro+ customers follow tweets in Feedly.

As a result, we are sad to announce we have to retire the current Twitter integration.

We know this isn’t ideal, and we are exploring different ways to help the community connect to their favorite creators and sources of information.

Pro+ users can already follow Newsletters and use our RSS Builder, and some of the content you were following on Twitter may be accessible in this way. Our Customer Support team can help you explore these features, and starting next week, we’re increasing the number of RSS Builder feeds from 25 to 50 and the number of Newsletters feeds from 50 to 75.

We are also exploring a more comprehensive integration with Mastodon, allowing you to follow your favorite content beyond activity feeds. You should expect to hear more on this front soon.

Lastly, some customers asked us to explore a new integration option, allowing them to keep following Twitter content by providing their own API key. Please have a look at our tutorials on how to set up the new twitter integration, how to Follow Twitter Feeds, accounts, lists, or hashtags in Feedly, or our general FAQs about the Twitter integration in Feedly.

We know some users relied on the Twitter integration, and we apologize for the inconvenience this is causing. If you are a Feedly Pro+ customer who upgraded mainly for the Twitter integration, we have your back. Please contact Feedly Customer Service, and we will help you explore other options, switch to Pro or get a prorated refund. Thank you for your continued support.


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Delivery Brasil

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